Use Your God Given Gifts to do God’s Work!
Do you like to garden? Decorate for the holidays? Write personal, handwritten notes (the best kind!) to folks in hospitals or nursing homes? How about following up with new Moms of just Baptized children to see if they need a hand telling their little ones about Jesus?
If any of this sounds interesting or if you have other interests, we have a place for you and we promise to use the unique gifts God gave you to build HIS church!
We encourage everyone to experience the Holy Eucharist in an even more direct way by volunteering to become a Minister of the Word (Lector)
Help is also needed to promote our church and all the services we offer. If you have some time and a knack for social media we should talk! Call the office 313-582-8383 or send us an email at
The St. Barbara Ushers and Lectors Club
Meetings are held on the First Friday of the month from October to May in the St. Barbara Rectory Meeting Room at 7 pm. We invite and encourage all members to attend First Friday Devotions and the 6 pm Mass and come to the meeting right afterward.
Right to Life LIFEspan
All year long we do our best to support Lifespans efforts to educate and inform about LIFE issues, from beginning to end. We always need more help in doing this. Sometimes it means selling Christmas cards or making roses with the message “Thanks Mom for Life” available after Masses on Mother’s Day. Other days it means standing for two hours on the corner of Michigan and Schaefer and praying silently while holding signs promoting the right to life for everyone.